
reddit story

Reddit thread kids lying to their parents | thumbnail shows one image of a reddit threat title ‘r/AskReddit posted by u/throwaway_the_fourth 6 years ago’ ‘Parents of Reddit, what’s the funniest lie your child has told you?’ ‘1.4k comments share’

40+ Times Kids Told The Most Absurdly Funny Lies From The Parents Of Reddit

Pretty sure that Todd is not real…
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disneyland mom dad moms dads parents parent parenting parenting-story reddit wholesome heartwarming true promise birthday uncle party

'I won't always be able to protect her… but I will do my best': Uncle lies about taking his 5 year old niece to Disneyland for her birthday; warmhearted parents take her on her dream vacation without him

The 'Happiest Place on Earth' is sitting next to mom and dad on the tea cup ride.
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